Your guns make it personal.
An unexpected call
about your son
shot in the head.
Fragile and unfortunate -
This shouldn't happen.
I saw history at a pivotal time.
I repeatedly crossed a line -
and too genuine.
Luckily for me,
the right to accept
people like me
the weather is a
creative subject
of discussion
rain, gray skies
transforming news
we are soft-spoken
when the skies open
the world communicates
an ambitious vision
for growth
What does anyone remember?
It turned out this idea was
culturally unignorable.
The history of our consciousness
is chaotic.
Discovery with a smile in a vast wilderness.
Crazy but free, he loved the dangerous fate.
He understood his sense of wonder,
exploring places and roaming the ocean.
On Monday evening,
the New York portraits
of a socialite buying jewelry
are re-examined.
Sharp art questions
smart works.
Cartoons drawn on a napkin
become valuable.
Intelligence is an arsenal -
a loaded handgun
carrying arguments
Be a thirsty sponge.
Be open and provocative.
Make art and discuss art.
Reach out.
cynical science
a product of breakthroughs
a culture concerned
with implications
of human consciousness
cold and robotic
bodies and souls
A creepy phenomenon, an existential crisis -
trying to temporarily be a clown
in reference to Donald J. Trump.
The reality is spookier than you understand.
Inspired by Austin Kleon